By 2025 the remaining UK coal-fired power stations are to be shut, and by 2023 restricted (currently coal provides 28% of the UK’s electricity). The government’s new energy strategy is welcomed by some, however there is still criticism with regards to the closure of renewable subsidy schemes for wind and solar, as Ms Rudd believe that the renewables budget had been “way overspent”. The new direction for energy policy will be directed on new gas-fired power stations that will be built over the next 10 years. In the light of the recent negotiations between China and the UK in terms of new nuclear investments (Wylfa Wales and Moorside Cumbria), new nuclear power stations are vital to the government’s policy – they could provide up to a third of low carbon electricity throughout the UK in the next decade. The statistics from the Department of Energy and Climate Change clearly show that the UK remains reliant on fossil fuels for 60% of its electricity and a total of 85% of its total energy needs. 60% does not look promising if the UK would like to become a near-zero carbon economy as it has been planning. Czytaj dalej „Final decade for UK’s coal plants”
Kategoria: Katedra
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Rynek magazynowania energii
Obecnie niewielki procent elektrowni opartych na odnawialnych źródłach energii (OZE) współpracuje z systemami jej magazynowania. Spowodowane jest to wysokim kosztem zasobników energii, koniecznością ich cyklicznej wymiany oraz brakiem wymagań prawnych narzucających to rozwiązanie. Dla wytwórcy stanowią one dodatkowy koszt. Natomiast z punktu widzenia systemu elektroenergetycznego ich zastosowanie jest niezwykle pożądane, ponieważ stabilizuje moc wyjściową z takiej elektrowni oraz może być buforem energii wykorzystywanym w szczycie zapotrzebowania. Czytaj dalej „Rynek magazynowania energii”
How hard will Corbyn fight the Tories’ energy plans?
Jeremy Corbyn was elected as the new Labour party leader on Saturday after winning 59.5% of the vote. The candidates’ view on energy and climate change varied during the run-up to the vote. Jeremy Corbyn and Andy Burnham were the only two candidates to have released a manifesto. Jeremy Corbyn in detail outlined his view on climate and energy policies (stating that once again Britain can lead an energy revolution), whereas Andy Burnham approached the issues from an environmental perspective referring to the debate over renewable energy and fracking. All in all, all of the four candidates, including Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall, have never held a climate-related position in the government to date. Czytaj dalej „How hard will Corbyn fight the Tories’ energy plans?”